From conflict to community in Crewe

A group of fourteen people from Kairos joined a long weekend of workshops at the Oblates Retreat Centre at Wistaston Hall in Crewe in August.  The weekend’s theme was ‘differences and conflicts’.
Here, Martina Cooley reflects on her experience.

Differences and conflicts are as much a part of our daily lives as laughter, anger, love, and hope.  When disputes flare up, outcomes can be sadly predictable: a conflict escalates, each side blames the other, and relationships risk being damaged forever.

For anyone on a journey of recovery, learning how to navigate these challenges is essential to maintaining well-being and building healthier relationships.  How we deal with these moments shapes whether the impact of our conflict is constructive or destructive.

Over a wonderful weekend together, our group explored ways to turn potential division into opportunities for growth.  We looked at themes of communication, active listening, and negotiation. Role play was lively and helped us put our learning into practice, helping us deal with conflict more productively in our everyday lives.

We were delighted to welcome so many new faces – thank you to everyone who joined us. It was a wonderful weekend full of laughter, love & learning. 

  • The next two retreats in Crewe are scheduled for the 15th – 16th November and the 6th – 8th December. If you are interested in attending, please contact Martina on 07950 527979.