Garden Day Programme
Garden Day Programme
66 Nunhead Lane
London SE15 3QE
t: 020 7635 7664
Manager: Tim Penrice
The Garden Day Programme is a 12-week, 12 Step-based, intensive, non-residential rehab programme for people with addiction/substance misuse issues who have already detoxed. We are located in a beautiful garden two minutes’ walk from the Kairos Linden Grove Abstinence-Support Hostel in Nunhead, London SE15, the residential centre for eligible clients.
We can be reached by train to Peckham Rye or Nunhead stations, and by P12 or 78 bus. Normally, we operate a Monday to Friday timetable, 10am–3pm.
The Garden Day Programme is operating a full timetable, working face to face in our restored and extended premises.
In accordance with government guidelines, masks are optional, social distancing and hand-washing are recommended and full vaccination hoped for.
The Garden Day Programme…
■ is staffed by three qualified addiction professionals who share over 45 years experience of working in addiction and psychotherapy
■ includes a weekly one-to-one counselling session
■ includes daily group therapy, the most powerful medium of change
■ also includes addiction and recovery workshops and psycho-educational groups, 12 Step workshops, art therapy and meditation
■ celebrates success at graduation with a certificate of completion and a cake
■ is proud of its completion rate of more than 70%, measured over 7 years
■ qualifies a successful graduate for the Kairos Aftercare Programme and a place in one of the Kairos supported Move-on houses
The programme is delivered by Tim Penrice, manager (MBACP, IGA Group Work Practitioner); Gillie Sliz, assistant manager (HCPC Chartered Counselling Psychologist and Group Therapist); and Will Pugh, counsellor and group therapist (MBACP).
The Garden Day Programme specialises in group therapy because we understand that most addiction related personal difficulties have their roots in early social/family relationships. We believe that group settings are the best and most powerfully effective place to explore and understand patterns of problematic behaviour and how to resolve these problems.
Who is eligible?
■ Men and women over 18, who are detoxed and who are committed to following a programme of change and recovery
■ Men and women from the community who can travel to and from Nunhead (SE15) daily
Accepted from professionals, agencies and self-referrals; initially by telephone
Assessment and admission
■ Normally assessment is by interview at the GDP within a week of referral
■ Telephone assessments by arrangement
■ The need for abstinence and random breath and urine testing explained
■ Date for admission agreed once funding arrangements are in place
■ Contract and other documents signed on admission
The cost of the Garden Day Programme from 1st April 2024 is £440 per week.