Gardens in bloom: Santander volunteers help transform Kairos spaces
More than fifteen volunteers from Santander worked alongside members of the Kairos community to revitalise the gardens of two of our supported houses last Thursday (23rd May), in time for the summer.
The team alternated between the two houses, weeding and planting flower beds, deep-cleaning patio spaces, and painting a ten-panelled fence and a downstairs bathroom at one of the properties.
Everyone involved remarked on how much they enjoyed the day. One Kairos community member described it as a “good, fun day and team”, with “a great atmosphere”. Another praised the event as a “brilliant job”, thanking the “friendly volunteers who gave up their time and effort”. Santander’s volunteers reported that they enjoyed the experience and described Kairos’ work as “amazing”.

- We thank the Santander team for their time and hard work, and for the generous donation towards plants and materials.
Kairos Community Trust offers supported abstinence-based accommodation to men and women who are at least 28 days clean and sober and committed to recovery. Residents are supported in their continuing recovery and steps towards independent living in the wider community. To find out more and download a referral form, visit our supported housing page.