In memory: RIP Dave Carroll

Dave Carroll, in 2019
Dave Carroll, in 2019


It is with deep sadness that we learnt of the death of Dave Carroll, former Deputy Manager at Bethwin Road residential rehab, on 6th August, 2024.  Here, Bethwin Road’s Manager Lee Slater pays tribute to a beloved member of our community.


Our friend and colleague Dave Carroll has passed away, and gone to meet his maker.

Dave touched everyone who walked through the front door at Bethwin Road.  The sign written in Gaelic above his desk read ‘a thousand welcomes’, and this describes Dave better than my words ever can.  In the years we worked together, I can count on one hand the number of people Dave struggled with.  When you consider the numbers, and the fact that addicts and alcoholics are coming straight from detox, as raw as you like, full of trauma and unresolved issues – and many having lost the gift of communication – this is some achievement.

Dave made recovery seem very attractive.  He was funny, kind, rarely judged, and made those who felt isolated, fearful, shamed and deeply unlovable, accepted.  This was one of Dave’s many gifts, and we continue to do our best to offer a thousand welcomes to all who enter Bethwin.

We called Dave, ‘the wise one’.  I can picture him sitting up above, wearing his colourful socks and calmly chatting away, sharing his experiences and wisdom.

We miss you, Dave.  May you rest in peace.