Kairos proudly welcomes Francesca Roberts House

We are delighted to announce the renaming of the building at 66 Nunhead Lane, now proudly known as Francesca Roberts House.  This special dedication honours Francesca Roberts, former CEO of CRASH Charity and long-time friend of Kairos, for her and CRASH Charity’s unwavering support and contributions to Kairos’ work and residents over the years.

A day of celebration for the unveiling began at Kairos’ Linden Grove abstinence support hostel, where we were joined by staff, trustees, friends from both CRASH and Kairos, Francesca’s family, and Kairos residents.  There was a lively atmosphere filled with music, song and chatter, where everyone assembled enjoyed a delicious buffet lunch. 

Heartfelt tributes to Francesca were shared by Kairos’ founder Fr. John Kitchen, Chairman of the Trustees Paul Carter, and CRASH’s Chairman of the Trustees, John O’Grady.  Kairos’ Director Mossie Lyons spoke of the deep debt of gratitude Kairos has to CRASH, paying testament to Francesca’s sixteen years of leadership and reiterating his admiration for her as a very special person with a “loving social heart, commercial professional mind, and gut filled with passion, enthusiasm and  energy.”

Francesca then spoke movingly about the true meaning of home, a theme close to her heart throughout her time at CRASH and previous role with the International Refugee Trust.  It was a powerful reminder of the vital importance of our shared work: creating spaces that offer safety, dignity, and hope.

Francesca oversaw thirteen projects supported by CRASH at Kairos since 2011, with £200k worth of grants from CRASH and the equivalent of £176k in donated professional expertise and products.  It is a tremendous legacy and the impact of this work will continue to benefit our residents for many years to come. 

Assembled guests then took a short walk together around the corner to Nunhead Lane, where Francesca Roberts House – home to Kairos’ Garden Day Programme – was formally unveiled by Francesca and her son.  The sun shone brightly as the plaque was revealed. 

And, in the garden of Francesca Roberts House, we were able to enjoy the last of the summer sunshine, accompanied by Sandra’s legendary scones – a perfect end to a day full of warmth, gratitude, and community spirit.

Thank you, Francesca Roberts and CRASH Charity.  And welcome to Kairos, Francesca Roberts House!