Kairos services & pathways overview
Kairos Community Trust provides one abstinence-support hostel, three treatment services, plus a large network of supported sober-living Move-on houses across six London boroughs.
We help clients, referrers and care managers to decide what is the right service or combination of services that will be the best pathway to recovery for the individual. Eligible clients – from inside and outside Kairos – can access services from any point on the map below.

■ Linden Grove Abstinence-Support Hostel with accommodation for up to 25 people. Cost: housing benefit is applied for on admission with help of a support worker.
■ The non-residential Garden Day Programme rehab providing a 12-week, 12-Step, Minnesota-model recovery programme for up to 12 people. Clients of the Garden Day Programme are eligible to apply for accommodation at the Linden Grove Abstinence-Support Hostel. And, on completion, clients are eligible to apply for a place in a Kairos supported Move-on house. Cost (from 1st April 2024): £440 per week.
■ Our Bethwin Road Residential Rehab is a CQC-regulated care home and provides a 12-week programme based on a 12-Step integrated abstinence-based model, which is tailored to individual client needs. Integrative group work, one-to-one therapy and workshops are incorporated into this programme that takes up to 14 people. On completion, clients are eligible to apply for a place in a Kairos supported Move-on house. Cost (from 1st April 2024): £710 per week.
■ Post-rehab Aftercare Programme of therapy/counselling (12 weeks, non-residential: Tues, Wed, Thu). Cost (from 1st April 2024): £330 per week.
■ Supported Housing. Our Move-on network has 30 sober-living houses with a total of 195 beds in six London boroughs. Residents are supported in their continuing recovery as they prepare for life in the wider community. Cost: Our supported housing is mostly covered by Housing Benefit. However, this will depend on a client’s own financial circumstances. There is a small charge to the resident per week towards the cost of gas and electricity.
Eligibility & how to apply
Kairos Community Trust accepts applications for all its services from men and women aged 18 to 65, regardless of their nationality, colour, religion, class, disability, sexual orientation, marital status. However, Kairos Community Trust does not accept applications from people with a history of arson, who are or ever have been on the sex offender’s register or have any sexual offences on record, or Schedule One offenders.
Eligibility and admission procedures across our services vary and details are given on this website for each service and supported housing, along with contact details. Please contact the service you require by telephone in the first instance.
Funding & costs
Linden Grove Abstinence-Support Hostel: Housing benefit is applied for on admission with help of a support worker.
Bethwin Road Residential Rehab: This is community care funding agreed with social services prior to admission. Social services will assess a client to make a small weekly contribution towards his/her treatment from their benefits. Private self-funding clients are also welcome. The cost from 1st April 2024 is £710 per week (£8,520 for the 12-week programme).
Garden Day Programme: The cost from 1st April 2024 is £440 per week. Private self-funding clients are also welcome.
Aftercare Programme: Usually funded by social services but private self-funding clients are also welcome. The cost from 1st April 2024 is £330 per week.
Move-on Supported Housing: Rent paid for by housing benefit.
NB Social services will appoint a care manager who will negotiate and advise on all aspects of funding. If in doubt about eligibility for funding, check with the substance misuse team in your borough.
Kairos’s five-fold treatment services are founded on the 12-Step abstinence model of recovery enabling total abstinence from all alcohol and drugs apart from those prescribed by the doctor. Random drug and alcohol testing is in place.
However, Kairos recognises and accepts that addiction is a relapsable disease. Experience also shows that for some people it takes time and a number of interventions before they achieve manageable sobriety (abstinence).
Given the number of available Kairos services pathways, the Trust will now look at relapses on an individual basis and make every effort to accommodate the person at a level of service judged to be suitable and beneficial at that time. This will be done in co-operation and with the agreement of all relevant professionals involved, in particular, the client’s care manager. Finally, however, all decisions are at the Trust’s discretion and must take into account the safety of other service users and staff.