Kairos life & recovery in lockdown: C-19 update

Kairos director Mossie Lyons thanks all the Kairos residents and workers who are keeping Kairos up and running safely in lockdown. Here is his round-up of the week…
Kairos services update
- Linden Grove abstinence-support hostel continues to take referrals and admitted two people this week.
- The Garden Day Programme is back in business working online. See details and timetable here.
- Bethwin Road residential rehab is operating its normal programme with reduced numbers of residents and has further admissions scheduled.
- The Supported Housing team is receiving referrals for our sober Move-on houses, doing telephone assessments and admitting people known to be coming from virus-free establishments, and operating isolation procedures when needed.
- Aftercare will return to its operating programme when lockdown eases. This will take into consideration ongoing need for social distancing.
- Kairos+ counselling for supported housing residents is operating a telephone service.
Staff announcements
In the wake of Kenny Brown’s departure as Supported Housing manager, Gillian Lyons and Matt Dear will be joint acting managers until a recruitment process has been completed. This process has been deferred on judgment of trustees and director.
Two members of staff have been tested under the government’s scheme for frontline workers. One has tested negative, the other is waiting for their result.
Reminders for residents…
- Residents, please remember we are still in lockdown. Kairos will always protect the greater good of the majority in any of its houses. To that end, drug and alcohol testing will be carried out as usual and self-isolating will be expected, if necessary.
- Relapses will be seen as decisions by residents to flout rules and will be dealt with accordingly. You must not willingly risk the well-being of others – this is not acceptable.
- Please continue to support one another. Our support workers are available on phone (and some on social media outlets) to offer advice etc.
I would like to thank our local Sainsbury’s, Streatham, for its continued, generous weekly donation of food to Kairos.
And a final thought…
This week last year (28 April) Tarquin White, ex-resident, ran the London Marathon (in 4 hours 8 minutes) for Kairos. Keep a positive attitude! Set yourself a lockdown challenge!