Kairos women head to Crewe

The Oblate Retreat Centre at Crewe
Last Saturday morning, nine women from across Kairos Community set out from London in the minibus and headed to the leafy Oblate Retreat Centre in Crewe to attend a weekend of spiritual renewal lead by Sister Kathleen Bryant. Here two reflect on the experience.

“Facing fears, forging friendships and new beginnings is for me the only way to describe a weekend with Sister Kathleen, the most liberal, progressive nun I’ve ever met and certainly the only one to make me blush (no mean feat!). A speaker with the ability to speak directly to your soul, she had a message, one that meant something different to all of us but one that equally created a lasting bond among a room of complete strangers. That bond was born from the vulnerability and strength we found in each other. Sister Kathleen is not afraid to help us expose our own difficult truths, face them head on and begin our own personal healing journey. ‘Name it and claim it’ is one phrase that stuck in my mind and has become a mantra for me. I will take her words with me in my continued exploration of self-discovery and remind myself everyday that ‘I am wonderfully made’.” – GM

“A weekend away from the noise and distraction of busy London was much needed and appreciated. Full of tranquility and solitude yet female empowerment and connection. It was a truly blessed weekend with a group of non-judgmental, open-minded ladies of faith.” – MC