Kairos services are prepared for Tier 2
As London moves up to Tier 2 Covid-19 restrictions from midnight tonight (Friday 16 October), director Mossie Lyons sets out the rules and the latest service updates
These are the government’s Tier 2 rules:
- People must not meet with anybody outside their household or support bubble in any indoor setting, whether at home or in a public place, including bars and restaurants.
- They can mix with other households outdoors, including in gardens or outside hospitality settings and parks, but the group must not exceed six.
- People should aim to reduce the number of journeys they make where possible. If they need to travel, they should walk or cycle where possible, or to plan ahead and avoid busy times and routes on public transport.
Kairos services updates
Bethwin Road residential rehab has…
- added a Covid-19 extension to its Communicable Diseases and Infection Control policy.
- put in place revised protocols for dealing with symptoms in both residents and staff.
- adopted a Covid-19 compliance document which new admissions sign, agreeing to adhere to Kairos and relevant statutory bodies’ requirements.
- completed infection control training with Caring for Care on Monday 5 October.
- weekly Covid-19 testing for staff; monthly for all residents.
All staff are undertaking antibody testing provided by NHS for all care homes. To date, out of six tested, one result came back showing antibodies present in blood.
The number of referrals and assessments have risen and there are admissions planned over the next two to three weeks.
Garden Day Programme
This is the end of week two back doing face-to-face group work at The Green Nunhead Community Centre and one-to-one counselling. There are nine currently in group and several new assessments have been carried out at Linden Grove.
The team of Tim Penrice, Gillie Sliz and Will Pugh are satisfied with new arrangements.
The rebuilding of the GDP’s old building, 66 Nunhead Lane, is progressing nicely.
Aftercare Programme
Aftercare is working well and within all requirements set out by relevant bodies, NHS, PHE etc. There are nine participants currently on the programme, with further referrals and assessments in the pipeline. Jessica Rood and Dave Yates are managing ‘place and programme’ very well.
Linden Grove abstinence-support hostel
Our post-detox hostel is full. A number of residents have been assessed for Move-on accommodation, six are awaiting places at the Garden Day Programme or Bethwin Road.
A number of sanitising stations are in place throughout the building and the temperature of every visitor is taken at the front door prior to entry.
Vincent Mahe has taken over this week as the new manager.
Supported housing & the Move-on team
The houses are all full. There is a constant stream of referrals and assessments. With new intakes, planned move-ons and some relapses, the team is working extremely hard. Working in 29 houses, supporting 174 residents isn’t easy.
The Move-on team has had the most referrals across Kairos since Covid-19 broke out. Well done, team!
Remember the basics: hands, face, space/sanitise. Wear a mask and keep your social distance!