‘We’re so happy to be back at Aftercare’: C-19 update

Aftercare is open again and Kairos services are all stretching their wings as lockdown is eased, reports director Mossie Lyons

Bethwin Road residential rehab is now increasing its number of residents to 10. This increase still allows for two people to isolate at any time, if necessary. Staff have also started to do face- to-face assessments and a room has been set up and set aside for this purpose.

The Aftercare Programme reports that they were “so happy to be back”. All five expected clients arrived, with another assessment scheduled for this week, and there is a graduation to boot. Well done, Aftercare, on your successful restart and on your plans for this week.

We’ve received many referrals for places in our supported Move-on houses. All assessments are still being done over the phone and there are weekly planned admissions. For those who are being shielded and living in a Move-On house, please remember that you are now allowed to leave your home once a day, if you wish, but you cannot stay out overnight. Enjoy your freedom, restricted though it is.

Well done to the Move-On team for addressing some difficult issues in the past 10 days. A repeat request to residentsring your support worker to have a chat. Don’t let things get to you! From next week, each house will have a new ‘station’ inside each front door with sanitiser – please to use it and continue to wash your hands regularly with soap and water.

The Garden Day Programme is still operating via Zoom but now with face-to-face assessments.

Linden Grove abstinence support hostel has developed a working rhythm of in and out, with isolation for all new residents coming in. I am really pleased that those who have used Linden Grove’s open-door generosity in the past are respecting the hostel’s need for less traffic, less footfall. Thank you and please continue to observe this new system.

Head Office has stayed open throughout this period. The wheels of admin have kept turning on site and from home. Thank you.

To finish, can I be a tad back-slapping and say, Well done Kairos. You are doing us all proud. Keep it up!