Celebrating the reopening of No.66 & our Recovery Hub
Last Thursday’s celebrations for the reopening of 66 Nunhead Lane started at Linden Grove hostel, where we welcomed the CEOs of Crash Charity and Homeless Link, their colleagues and patrons […]
Last Thursday’s celebrations for the reopening of 66 Nunhead Lane started at Linden Grove hostel, where we welcomed the CEOs of Crash Charity and Homeless Link, their colleagues and patrons […]
After 14 years of constant wear, it was time to sand and re-seal the vast wooden floor of the Linden Grove dining-room. A treatment plan was agreed and […]
A plaque dedicating a Move-on house to the memory of Kairos Trustee and friend, John O’Sullivan was unveiled by his widow Mary in a ceremony last week […]
Two friends of Kairos have teamed up to run the 2021 virtual London Marathon for us. And we still have one place, so if you fancy a 26.2-mile run on 3 October, contact Head Office! [
We’ve had our first swarm of the season and very exciting it was, too, reports Kairos beekeeper, Grace Madden […]
Linden Grove Abstinence Support Hostel said farewell to support worker Sean Higgins on Friday. New team members are Mick McCulloch and Danny Cruse […]
Kairos director Mossie Lyons looks at how we’ve come through the most testing year and what we’ve learnt about our resilience as a community, service provider and as individuals […]
As Kairos turns 30, residents, staff and friends share their memories. Here, Toddy O’Donnell remembers what drew him to Kairos […]
Mental Health Awareness Week (10-16 May) is the right moment for an update on our in-reach initiative made possible by the Maudsley Charity. Jason O’Reilly was one of the original Kairos recipients of the charity’s Community & Connection grant in 2019. He says: “As a part-time support worker on the Maudsley Charity-funded permitted work scheme, […]
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week (10-16 May) and what better way to mark it at Kairos than with the handing back of this beautiful building that soon will become home to six very vulnerable people, writes director Mossie Lyons […]