Farewell, Sean – and welcome, Mick and Danny
Linden Grove Abstinence Support Hostel said farewell to support worker Sean Higgins on Friday. New team members are Mick McCulloch and Danny Cruse […]
Light at the end of the pandemic tunnel
Kairos director Mossie Lyons looks at how we’ve come through the most testing year and what we’ve learnt about our resilience as a community, service provider and as individuals […]
Toddy: still in the Kairos flow
As Kairos turns 30, residents, staff and friends share their memories. Here, Toddy O’Donnell remembers what drew him to Kairos […]
Maudsley Charity: supporting mental health through Kairos
Mental Health Awareness Week (10-16 May) is the right moment for an update on our in-reach initiative made possible by the Maudsley Charity. Jason O’Reilly was one of the original Kairos recipients of the charity’s Community & Connection grant in 2019. He says: “As a part-time support worker on the Maudsley Charity-funded permitted work scheme, […]
Good news in Mental Health Awareness Week
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week (10-16 May) and what better way to mark it at Kairos than with the handing back of this beautiful building that soon will become home to six very vulnerable people, writes director Mossie Lyons […]
Newbies and working bees
Kairos beekeepers are working hard to keep up with their expanding colonies, writes Grace Madden […]
Kairos: fresh growth after lockdown
With lockdown set to ease, director Mossie Lyons has the latest news from across all our services and welcomes new Kairos workers […]
Celebrate your life this Easter!
Easter is synonymous with new life, writes Mossie Lyons. Kairos continues to be a place where hope and life are given a chance […]
Kairos at 30: Memories, please
Kairos Community Trust is 30 years old this year! The birthday BBQ will have to wait until we are all released from lockdown. In the meantime, however, we are collecting memories from residents, staff and friends to feature on this website and maybe even a book […]
We’ll be ready for the end of lockdown
As the end of lockdown approaches, Kairos’s services are working well as they prepare to gear up again, writes director Mossie Lyons […]