
The Tier 4 rule: Stay at Home
To all residents of Kairos Move-on houses (post-rehab), from Mossie Lyons. “London is now in Tier 4. The rule is: Stay at Home” […]

How the Kairos ethos carries us through
As a very different Christmas and New Year approach, director Mossie Lyons reflects on the lessons Kairos offers … and the latest Covid-19 update […]

2020 Kairos Annual Report online now
Although lockdown has deprived us of our Annual General Meeting at Linden Grove this year, we are proud to present our Annual Report, with contributions from all corners of our community […]

Angie’s path from Bethwin to Birkbeck
Angie McCulloch looks forward to the next step in her journey that began at Kairos a decade ago[…]

Kairos services are open in second C-19 lockdown
The Covid-19 lockdown began at midnight last night and continues until 2 December. As we enter this new phase, director Mossie Lyons outlines how Kairos services will continue to operate […]

Kairos services are prepared for Tier 2
As London moves up to Tier 2 Covid-19 restrictions from midnight tonight (Friday 16 October), director Mossie Lyons sets out the rules, plus service updates […]

Farewell, Lorraine and Simon… Welcome, Ian and Will
After nearly eight years and six of working with Kairos respectively, sadly, we say good-bye to Lorraine Beckford and Simon Eve […]

Saturday is World Mental Health Day 2020
This Saturday, 10 October, is World Mental Health Day. And it’s a moment to pause and reflect on the daily challenges we have all been facing, writes Kairos director Mossie Lyons […]
Made by South London Bees
This year’s Kairos honey will have a new label featuring artwork by resident Kairos artist, Antonia, and designed by Lils Collingwood. […]