
Visitors from Aisling Return to Ireland
John Glynn (right) and Alex McDonnell from the Aisling Return to Ireland Project were welcome visitors to Kairos Linden Grove yesterday. Aisling takes groups of Irish men and women back home on holiday to reconnect with their family and roots; often it’s their first trip back home after long and difficult separations. Over the years, […]

Cardboard Citizens are back on 30 Nov
Theatre company Cardboard Citizens is bringing their latest ‘forum’ play – Rising by Femi Keeling – to Linden Grove on Friday 30 November, 10.30am. The play starts with Terrence’s release after a short prison sentence – he’s full of hope, but faced with battles against the system and demons from his past, he’s on the […]

Raffle tickets on sale now
Tickets for our annual Grand Christmas Draw are on sale now: £2.50 per book of five tickets. Prizes include: £100 cash, a £50-meat voucher, a Christmas hamper and a Christmas cake! The winning tickets will be drawn on 19 December at Head Office. To get your tickets, contact Mossie Lyons at Head Office.

Congratulations, Vincent and Simon
Congratulations to Linden Grove staff members Vincent Mahe and Simon Woods for achieving their Level 5 Diplomas in Management and Leadership for Health and Social Care.

Congratulations to Robert the Kairos artist
Our congratulations to Robert Druce on his sell-out success at the New Hanbury Project exhibition last night!

Two world days in one today
We want to highlight the two designated world awareness events falling on the same day today, 10 October: World Homeless Day and World Mental Health Day. What a convergence of two realities very close to the heart of Kairos!

Our thanks to the Dulwich golfers!
Our thanks to the Dulwich Circle of the Catenians who donated the proceeds of their annual charity golf match to Kairos for the fifth year in a row. The event took place on Friday 14 September, at Sundridge Park – where we had a record turn out of 38 players. It was a great day […]

Postcard from Lourdes 2018
The five days spent in Lourdes last week with the annual Oblate pilgrimage of the Anglo-Irish Province was a special experience for the 34 Kairos men and women who made the train journey to the foothills of the Pyrenees to help in the hospital. Tough, tiring and never far from the raw emotion of being […]

Learning how to keep our history
As part of their continuing work on making a Karios archive, Rory O’Connell and Marsha Dunstan went to the East Sussex Archive near Brighton for a one-day workshop on preserving the records of UK charities last Monday. The idea behind the event was that historic records of many charities in the welfare sector, particularly those […]
Beam us up to work!
Beam, the crowd-funding website that helps homeless men and women to train for employment, is celebrating its first anniversary this week. And, right from the beginning, Kairos has been one of the homeless charities recommending individuals to the scheme. The Beam team explains: “Through new technology, Beam helps people use their strengths, skills and passions […]