
A running commentary
Training continues for Elaine Anderson-Wright, who is running the Brighton Marathon on Sunday 17 April for Kairos. “I ran my half-marathon run on Sunday. It was a great course – two laps of Wimbledon Common. The course was very muddy and quite hilly. Despite a sore ankle and getting a stitch at mile 10, I […]

CRASH – ‘Changing Rooms’ at Linden Grove
We all know Linden Grove now as a 24-bed, CQC-regulated community detox hostel – with a beautiful airy dining-room, library, gym, counselling rooms and offices. But it was not always so. In fact, it was a big old house and a separate, disused church hall. In 2006-7, with the help of CRASH, the building […]

Elaine’s Marathon run for Kairos
Thank you, Elaine Anderson-Wright, for choosing Kairos Community Trust as your charity to support when you run the Brighton Marathon on Sunday, 17 April. Elaine, who lives in Surrey, has run marathons in London, Paris and Jersey but Brighton will be her first marathon in seven years. She’s been in training since December and so […]

Rest in peace, Perry Robinson
Everyone at Kairos who knew Perry Robinson has been very saddened by his untimely death. Here, as Rev Katharine Rumens, the Rector of St Giles’ Cripplegate, remembers him, we recognise with a smile our own much-loved friend. “Perry Robinson came to us in December 2006. We were in search of a caretaker and I was […]

Kairos services – our new leaflet
Our new leaflet about Kairos and our services is now available from head office and also to download and print. It fits on two sides of ordinary A4 paper. If you print on both sides of one sheet, you can fold it in thirds (like a take-away menu). The leaflet includes a handy map of […]

Recovery, brick by brick
One of the most challenging moments in early recovery comes towards the end of rehab, with the question: “So, what do you want to do next?” Devin Brooks didn’t hesitate, he already had the answer: bricklaying. “I tried to do bricklaying twice before and I dropped out because of the drink. This time, however, being […]

Welcome to the new Linden Grove team
Kairos Community Trust is delighted to announce the appointment of Lorraine Beckford as manager of our Linden Grove community detox hostel; she brings many years experience both as a manager and psychotherapist. Senior support worker Vincent Mahe becomes assistant manager. Samantha Chapman will be joining the Linden Grove team part-time as a counsellor and Adrian […]

Building up Kairos in north London
A few months ago, Kairos bought a second house in Limesdale Gardens, Brent, creating (together with one rented property) three Kairos houses in a row. This is a unique opportunity to develop our community in north London. CRASH, the building industry charity, is once again supporting and facilitating the development of Kairos move-on housing. And […]

Bouquets for the new Kairos year
These two texts received by Kairos managers last week – bouquets out of the blue – made a wonderful start to our 25th anniversary year. Thank you! Hello! It’s A.T. here. I just saw you looking in your car boot as I passed by on the bus! It occurs to me that I’ve never actually […]
Welcome to Kairos, Dr Madan
Kairos is proud to welcome Dr Arvind Madan of the Hurley Group. The Hurley Group is one of London’s largest providers of NHS GP services and has been providing care for the residents of our Linden Grove community detox hostel for many years. We are indeed fortunate that Dr Madan has a long-standing clinical interest […]