
Kairos summer bee report
Volunteers have been a highlight of this spring and summer and we recently hosted two more work-experience students from Eden Park High School […]

Lottery grant for Kairos Prisoner Response Project
We are proud to announce that the National Lottery Community Fund has made a substantial grant to support the Kairos Prisoner Response Project in Burnt Oak, north London. The grant will […]

Farewell to Miriam and Lucia – and our thanks
Kairos says a fond farewell to therapists Miriam Hicks and Lucia McGuckin […]

Training counsellors for the future
As part of our committment to recovery, Kairos Community Trust takes part in the professional training of new counsellors. Currently we are proud to be hosting students from six […]

Kairos Unity Day raises £2,000
Well done to the organising committee of the Kairos Unity Day. The event was a huge success, raising over £2,000 for the Lourdes trip this September […]

A bloomin’ marvellous mural at the GDP
Everyone’sdelighted by the blossoming a magnificent mural on the side of their building the corner of Nunhead Grove […]

The Bee Garden Party buzz
Kairos beekeeper Grace Madden was among the guests at the annual Bee Garden Party held by the charity Bees for Development and this year marking 30 years of working “to harness the power of bees, […]

James and Jessica take flight
We say well done and salute the bravery of Kairos workers James and Jessica who made a skydive on Saturday […]

Aftercare appointment
We are pleased to announce David Yates has been appointed to Deputy Manager of our Aftercare Programme […]