
Five new Diplomas in Health & Social Care
We wish to congratulate Kairos-supported students Debbie Brathwaite, Nick Earl, Sammy Hicks, David Nimmo and Cas Lawrence for achieving their Diplomas in Health and Social Care (level 3).

The BRIT School comes to Kairos
The Community Arts Practice students from The BRIT School, Croydon, have been collaborating with Kairos since the beginning of the year to create a series of writing and performance workshops at our Linden Grove hostel. This week, the workshop was run by Grammy award-winning Floetry’s Natalie Stewart. A new timetable of music workshops will start […]

Dr Jasper Mordhorst joins Kairos trustees
Kairos Community Trust is proud to welcome Dr Jasper Mordhorst to our board of trustees. A GP specialising in addiction, he brings expertise and enthusiasm in equal measure. Dr Mordhorst first got to know Kairos when he was a GP in Peckham with a practice providing medical services to our Linden Grove community detox hostel. […]

Successful CQC inspections
In its latest inspection reports, the Care Quality Commission has rated both Bethwin Road Rehabilitation Care Home and the John Kitchen Community Detox Hostel at Linden Grove as fully compliant with their regulations. Bethwin Road was inspected on 20 November 2012 and Linden Grove on 10 January 2013. The Bethwin Road report can now be […]

Annual General Meeting 2012
Kairos Community Trust held its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday evening, 27 November at the John Kitchen Centre, 22 Linden Grove. Along with the board of trustees, present and past staff and residents we welcomed many of our supporters who have contributed our success. In addition to the formal business of the evening, the gathering […]

Fr Joseph Triphon to start Tanzanian rehab
Father Joseph Triphon of the Spiritan order has spent nearly two years studying and working with Kairos in preparation for starting a rehab in Dar es Salaam, based on the Kairos model. During his two years here, Joseph worked with different branches of Kairos and also completed a counselling course at Lambeth College. Fr Joseph […]