Bee My Valentine!
“It’s 6ºC. As I look out my window, my heart is filled with joy. The bees are out. They have made it through the winter. Now they will fulfil their mission – to forage, pollinate, make honey, propogate, build up the colony. Good luck in your work, bees!” – Mossie Lyons
Kenneth Brennan RIP
Kenneth Brennan (1945-2017) died peacefully on Saturday 28 January after a short respiratory illness. Born in Dublin, Ken settled in London after serving in the British Army, in the Congo and Cyprus. He has been a valued member of Kairos right from our beginnings in Stonhouse Street more than 20 years ago and will be […]
Appointment at Bethwin Road
Angela McCulloch has been appointed housekeeper at Bethwin Road with responsibility for the general running of the house and catering.
The Kairos Crewe
Twelve Kairos people, residents and ex-residents, attended a most uplifting and inspiring retreat at the Oblate Retreat Centre in Crewe, 9-12 December. It was a sedate, reflective and restful way to prepare for Christmas and bring the curtain down on a very busy 25th anniversary year for Kairos. “As with any group coming together in […]
Kairos AGM 2016 – Celebrating 25 Years
The Linden Grooves open the 2016 AGM Father John Kitchen Hanora Morrin, Mossie Lyons, Dorothy Woodward-Pynn and Paul Carter David Newman, recipient of the John Kitchen Award for Outstanding Service More than 150 people crammed into Linden Grove on the evening of Tuesday 29 November to celebrate the 25th anniversary Annual General Meeting of Kairos […]
Round of applause for Dulwich golfers
At a curry night, on Wednesday (7 December), organised by the Dulwich Circle of the Catenians, Kairos director Mossie Lyons was presented with a cheque for £3,500, proceeds of the Circle’s third annual charity golf day at Sundridge Park in October. He thanked Shawn McCarthy, the Circle’s charity officer for nominating Kairos for this fundraising […]
Calling all Bethwin Road graduates!
All Bethwin Road graduates are invited to our annual reunion on Thursday, 15 December from 2-4pm.
Postcard from Medjugorje 2016
As Kairos Community Trust’s 25th anniversary coincided with the Year of Mercy in the Catholic Church, the sponsor of our Medjugorje trips generously offered to fund a reunion visit to the shrine for anyone from Kairos who had been there over the past seven years. Thirty-seven people took up the offer and spent a week […]
Dulwich golfers’ third round for Kairos
Kairos thanks the Dulwich Circle of the Catenians for holding its third charity golf day for Kairos. Thirty-five golfers teed off at Sundridge Park Golf Club, Bromley, last Friday. They were joined by 35 more guests for the dinner that evening. The event now has its own competition plate, which was won by Catenian Peter […]
Celebrating CRASH’s Patrons
Kairos director Mossie Lyons was among the guests at CRASH’s annual Patrons’ Reception last Thursday night. Every year, the construction and property industry’s charity for the homeless holds an event to celebrate the companies and individuals who have given their valuable time and resources to support its cause. In this, its 20th Anniversary Year, CRASH […]