
Meet the Kairos trustees
The Annual General Meeting takes place next Tuesday (25 Nov, 6.30pm) and we look forward to welcoming our trustees to Linden Grove once again and to hearing their reports. However, have you ever wondered what they do the rest of the year? Here, two trustees explain their work and reflect on what it means to […]

The next step: volunteering
“Good morning, Kairos Linden Grove. Angie speaking…” From behind the front desk at the community detox hostel in Linden Grove, Angela Kirby reflects on her first four months as a Kairos volunteer. “Okay, so I have been asked to write a bit about volunteering but what do I actually do as a volunteer? Sometimes I’m […]

A Kairos week in Lourdes
Twenty Kairos men and women travelled to Lourdes last month to help in the hospital there with disabled and sick people who were on pilgrimage from Dublin. This is the fifth year that director Mossie Lyons and a group from Kairos have joined the annual Oblate Anglo-Irish Pilgrimage. “What stands out about the week,” says […]

Kairos: the perfect place to study recovery
Joanna (“Asia”) Mania recently gained her MSc in Addiction Psychology and Counselling (with Merit) from London South Bank University. Here, she writes about her student placement at Kairos that was an important part of her training. “Before I started my student placement at Kairos, I worked and volunteered at many different places in England and […]

Teeing off for Kairos
The Dulwich Catenians & St James Golf Society is dedicating the proceeds of their charity golf day on Friday, 10 October, to Kairos Community Trust. There will be prizes for the Longest Drive, Nearest the Pin, Best Score, Worst Score, plus a raffle. Tickets (£60 per head) cover a round of golf at the Dulwich […]

The Kairos honey harvest
The annual Kairos honey harvest BBQ was held last week at Guildersfield Road. Fearless beekeepers Kenny and Locksley took honeycombs from two hives, contending with very active and stinging bees that wouldn’t be “smoked” into submission. (“Proper south London bees” was the beekeepers’ verdict.) They then demonstrated how the honey is extracted, first breaking the […]

Top marks for Kairos students
Congratulations to all Kairos students who have completed courses and passed exams this year. Newly qualified Kairos staff and volunteers include: Martin Flaherty – fire marshal, first aid, safe handling of medicine and NLP certificate in listening skills; Vincent Mahe – certificate in Facilitating of Therapy Groups; Keith Muir – basic food and hygiene and […]

Kairos stars in the Addicts’ Symphony
Two musicians from Kairos will feature in the documentary Addicts’ Symphony next Wednesday (Channel 4, 11pm). The programme brings together 10 classical musicians who are all recovering from drug or alcohol addiction to compose a work to perform in concert. It follows the extraordinary personal journey of each member through to the climax of […]

Just the ticket at the Young Vic
After great applause from friends and staff, our formal congratulations go to the Kairos actors who took part in The Sound of Yellow at the Young Vic last month. In seven performances over three days, they helped take audiences on an emotionally-charged journey down the River of Love and across the Ocean of the Mind […]
Recovery on the Kairos menu
Keith Muir talks about his job as part-time cook and support worker at the 16-bed Kairos residential rehab at Bethwin Road, and the importance of good food in recovery. “I first came to Bethwin as a resident in 2009 and have returned over the years as a visitor and then as a volunteer. Kairos has […]